a person who takes particular pleasure in fine food and drink
As a youngster, Vegan Epicure Travel co-founder Aurelia d'Andrea would sit for hours flipping through the pages of National Geographic magazine, letting the images and stories from far-flung corners of the world spark her imagination and curiosity about different people, places, cultures, and traditions. Her first trip abroad was a solo trip to Ireland, where she kissed the Blarney Stone, sipped Guinness, and made countless new friends. Flash forward a few decades and a few dozen countries later, and she can say with conviction that travel has shaped her outlook on life in more ways than she can count. After graduating with a BA in journalism from San Francisco State University with dreams of becoming a travel writer, she found herself instead as the editorial director of vegan lifestyle magazine. And while her love of all things vegan was pretty profound, she couldn't stop thinking about what it would be like to be footloose and fancy-free, hopscotching the globe and writing about those different people, places, cultures, and traditions that sparked her curiosity as a kid. Eventually, she and her husband Jeff and their dog Fanny moved to Paris, where she wrote travel guidebooks, food features for magazines, and plenty of travel digital and print stories centered on her vegan adventures in Cambodia, Thailand, Budapest, the South of France, and beyond. In 2018, she and Jeff joined forces to launch a vegan travel company that would meld her talents with his extensive experience in the bike industry. where he has taught cycling-skills courses, worked as a bike tour guide, and spent years in bicycle retail, where he developed top-tier people skills. As longtime vegans who are passionate about animals and the environment, we understand the needs of fellow travelers who, like us, are curious about the world and its inhabitants and want to travel well while treading as lightly as possible. Whether we’re planning your bespoke family vacation, guiding you on a private tour through the Loire Valley, or introducing you to the wonders of homemade pasta in a hands-on cooking class, we're committed to creating experiences you’ll cherish forever. We can’t wait to make your travel dreams come true!

Aurelia d'Andrea, co-founder, cooking-class instructor, tour leader, natural wine geek, spicy food fanatic
Favorite travel destination: India
Favorite food: Spicy noodles from a Southeast Asian street stall
Top travel tip: Always say "yes" when someone invites you into their home
Indispensable travel item: Water bottle
Mountains or beach: BEACH!
Hike or bike: Bike!
City or country: I love nature, but there's nothing like an urban adventure in London, New York, Tokyo, or Ho Chi Minh City
Top destination on your must-visit list: Ethiopia
Favorite travel memory: Seeing a family of elephants in the wild in Sri Lanka

Jeff Rogers, co-founder, tour leader, logistics coordinator, vegan cheese-eating pro, bike-riding beast
Favorite travel destination: Ischia, Italy
Favorite food: Pizza
Top travel tip: Pack less than you think you need
Indispensable travel item: compact shopping bag
Mountains or beach: Beach
Hike or bike: Bike!
City or country: Cities, if only for the plethora of vegan food options!
Top destination on your must-visit list: Italian Alps
Favorite travel memory: Being invited into the home of a local while cycle-touring through Slovenia